Proceso de Aeroeitua, desmoldeo de piezas

1. Shell Removal

The ceramic shell is removed from the casted mould by breaking the shell with an automatic vibration hammer or alternative technologies.

Proceso de corte de piezas realizado por Aeroeitua

2. Cutting

Casted parts are separated from the cluster by plasma cutting.

Proceso de desbabado de Aeroeitua

3. Grinding

Gating system remaining on the casted parts are eliminated using grinding machines.

Proceso de chorreado de piezas de Aeroeitua

4. Sandblasting

Surface finishing is achieved by means of sandblasting machines.

Proceso de medición as cast

5. Measuring

Dimensional data from parts are registered as “Cast condition”.

Proceso de acabado al banco de Aeroeitua

6. Finishing

Casted parts are subject to visual inspection to identify potential defects and correct them.

Proceso de enderezado de piezas de Aeroeitua

7. Straightening

Following the required heat treatment, parts are checked and straightened by using specific precision forming tools.

Proceso de Aeroeitua, inspección de las piezas

8. Inspection

Final inspection (visual and dimensional) is performed according to customer requirements. Results are registered , documented and transferred to customer. When required serialization is provided and traceability is ensured.

Titanium parts finishing

Finishing is aimed to eliminate the machining marks and to soft the edges, adjusting parts within tolerance as per customer requirements.

Aluminum parts finishing

Finishing is oriented to adjust and soften all machining marks.